Lagerstroemia renga

A collaboration with guest poet Beck Wolski1

Rain on crepe myrtle,
polishing layers of trunk;
complex patina

balayage of browns and greens,
ever-changing tapestry.

Now comes the sun,
and chickens forage under her:
treasure in litter

their pitter-patter pecks
a most satisfying soundtrack.

Afternoon dapples—
more intricate shading still,
and the odd leaf falls

deftly drifting left to right.
Mesmerised til dusk delight.

  1. The haiku in verses 1, 3 and 5 of this collaborative renga poem were composed by Catherin J Pascal Dunk, and the couplets in verses 2, 4 and 6 were composed by Beck Wolski. Photo by Catherin J Pascal Dunk. ↩︎


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